12th Feb to 16 Feb
21 march to 29 march
Kundalini Yoga and Meditation (as taught by Yogi Bhajan)
"...we embrace the essence of Guru Gobind Singh,
the essence of fearlessness, and the ability
to rise above any challenge,
any chaos, or any dream to find the state of pure presence
and awareness in the pure golden throne of our own discipline
and daily practice..." Yogi Bhajan
A tele-course of 2 sessions.
Available from anywhere in the world.
Tuesdays, Nov 30, Dec 7 2010
From 6 to 7:30pm Mountain Time USA.
Imagine a Yogi who most deeply meditated on the frozen, windswept sacred mountain top called Hemkunth Sahib in the jagged Himalayas for thousands of years.
This prince who left his kingdom to find true union with the Universal Consciousness was then tapped by the great Consciousness itself to come back into human form to lead the humanity through the extremely dark days of vicious fighting to protect humanity's right to choose their own path to the Divine.
That Yogi was Rishi Dushat Daman, who graciously returned as the fully enlightened Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th Sikh Guru, a true master, warrior, saint, poet, householder and of course - YOGI
Many of us have studied and have been inspired by Guru Gobind Singh as a warrior, saint, poet and householder. But now, we have the very great opportunity to get acquainted with him as the adept, the Yogi who achieved full Union "Yoga" and who embedded amazingly effective yogic practices within the form of Sikh Dharma - Sikh meaning "disciplined one" and Dharma meaning that most pure Conscious condition with which we aspire to fully unite through our system of defined, effective practices.
Union with the Divine
Using Guru Gobind Singh's Specific Yogic Forms
- The Yogic Nirmala Sikh Tradition of Guru Gobind Singh
- His efforts of reviving the spiritual wisdom of Humanity
- The Essence of Amrit (the nector within)
- Guru Gobind Singh's Sarab Shakti Kriya for Divine Union
- Kriyas of Guru Gobind Singh
- The Turban - Spiritually, Physiologically and Historically
- Cherdi Kala - Rising consciousness in everyday life
- Yogically clear the way to divine union -
- Transforming Phobies and Blocks
- Brahm Kavach Meditation
- Yogi Bhajan's divine mission to bring these yogic forms to us.
& Much more
On two Tuesdays, Amandeep Singh that very grounded research scholar and Kundalini Yoga Professional Teacher Trainer (KRI) will lead us through this amazing territory of the Yogi, Guru Gobind Singh. Amandeep Singh will help us understand some of the Guru Gobind Singh very specific yogic technology that he have left for all to use and uplift ourselves.
What a privilege to study with this very humble yet global teacher. His style of teaching is so personal, so power packed with information, and he takes us to the actual experience of the Master - Guru Gobind Singh
For complete information and register details log onto:
With the grace of Guru, one week Kundalini Yoga workshops were organised by Suryaram Studio in Moscow.
Met and taught Teachers Federation of Kundalini Yoga of Russia. As Yogi Bhajan says, the aim of a teacher is, "How he/she can master his/her own life and rise above the turmoil, so that he/she can joyously be of great service to the Humanity." The topic was on how we can bring these teachings and technology of Sri Guru Granth Sahib to common man so that he can learn how to be Happy Healthy and Holy.
Also did a TV recording for the health channel on the application of meditation in todays modern stressful life. A seminar at the " CLOUDS " one of the main library in moscow on eastern philosophy....and much much more...
Some pics of the great workshops, talks and seminars from russia
If you can connect with your breath,
you can connect with your life.
If you can master your breath,
you can master your life.
Breath is Life and Life is Breath.
We call it "Pawan Guru"
Listen with the ear in Heart - Yogi Ji
Gurprasad Kriya